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Sunday September 25th, 2016

Summer is coming to an end and autumn is near. However, during my last two weeks in Ibiza, I didn’t feel the autumn atmosphere at all. It was constantly hot, sunny, and I had the most beautiful time on the island. Even though my trip didn’t start out well.
My biggest fear while traveling by plane had always been that my baggage might get lost. I know now, that it can be even worse. Something that is lost can be found again. But what if it gets completely destroyed? Then there’s no hope left. That’s exactly what happened to one of my bags. Everything started at the Viennese airport. The ground staff offered to check in my cabin luggage for free. I was traveling with a very sturdy North Face duffel bag, so I thought it would be ok. I took a few things, like my laptop, out and took the offer. Finally arriving in Ibiza, there came the awful surprise. Imagine your bag has been run over by a truck and was then dragged along a few hundred meters. That’s exactly how my bag and its content looked like. As I said before, it was actually my cabin luggage, so the most expensive things where inside that bag, including – amongst other things – my laptop charger, electronic devices, my favorite leather backpack,which wasn’t only expensive but also had a personal meaning for me, shoes which were totally ruined. A few things even went missing.
While I’m still waiting for the airline to start processing my case and suggest a proper solution, I try to recall what my dad told me whenever I start getting angry about this whole issue, asking myself “what if”: „You can replace everything. What’s most important is that you are ok. You can’t change the past.“


Despite the rough start, I had a wonderful time in Ibiza and I was able to block out this unpleasant experience with many great memories. The best way to replace bad memories is to create some good ones.
By the way, the hat I’m wearing in the pictures is one of my souvenirs from Ibiza. I instantly fell in love when I spotted it at the famous “Hippy Market” in Las Dalias.

Tell me about your worst travel experience. Have you ever had problems with your luggage at the airport?


Hat: Emonk Ibiza
Playsuit: Kiss The Sky via Asos
Shoes: Diesel






3 Comment

Johng420 11. June 2017

Very good blog post.Really thank you! Fantastic. becgeabffded

Marie Curie 01. October 2016

Das ist mein absoluter Lieblingslook die Bilder sind sooo schön <3

Malin 26. September 2016

Wow, das sind wunderschöne Fotos :) Das mit dem Gepäck ist natürlich eine Katastrophe! Ich drücke mal die Daumen, dass du alles wenigstens bald erstattet bekommst.. Liebe Grüße, Malin | Spark&Bark


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